Metro Denver


Colorado has the nation’s second largest aerospace economy, with nearly 290 businesses classified as aerospace companies and over 500 aerospace companies and suppliers providing space related products and services.

Cluster Job Growth

The majority of Colorado’s key aerospace businesses, facilities, and research institutions are located in the nine-county Metro Denver and Northern Colorado region. The region’s 24,260 private sector aerospace workers represent nearly 81 percent of all aerospace workers in Colorado. The region is home to nearly 190 aerospace companies, representing over 67 percent of the state’s total companies in the cluster.

  • PColorado Air and Space Port, that launched in 2018, serves as America’s hub for commercial space transportation, research, and development.
  • PColorado aerospace employment grew 7.7 percent between 2018 and 2019 (5 consecutive years of growth).
  • PColorado aerospace employment increased by 19.4 percent over the past 5 years, outpacing nationwide growth by nearly 10 percent.
  • P30,020 employees worked at 280 Colorado aerospace companies.
  • PColorado ranked first in the nation for the number of private aerospace jobs per capita, and second for total private aerospace employment.
  • P57,830 private and military workers in the aerospace cluster support an additional 140,390 workers in all industries throughout Colorado, bringing direct and indirect employment supported by the aerospace cluster to 198,220 workers.
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Major Contractors

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Green Energy